
Investing should be easy – just buy low and sell high – but most of us have trouble following that simple advice. There are principles and strategies that may enable you to put together an investment portfolio that reflects your risk tolerance, time horizon, and goals. Understanding these principles and strategies can help you avoid some of the pitfalls that snare some investors.

Finding the Balance

Finding the Balance

The sandwich generation faces unique challenges. For many, meeting needs is a matter of finding a balance.

A Look at Diversification

A Look at Diversification

Diversification is an investment principle designed to manage risk, but it can't prevent against a loss.

The Junk Drawer Approach to Investing

The Junk Drawer Approach to Investing

It's easy to let investments accumulate like old receipts in a junk drawer.


What Can a Financial Advisor Do for You?

If you’re considering working with a financial advisor, here’s an overview of how we can help.

The Great Debate Continues: Active vs. Passive

In investments, one great debate asks the question, “Active or Passive Investing: Which Is Better?”

How to Conquer the World - 5 Financial Strategies for Savvy

Learn more about women taking control of their finances with this infographic.

A Midyear Check-In with Your Financial Advisor

Use this list as a guide when reviewing your accounts and investments on your own to ensure progress toward your goals.

A Primer on Dividends

A company's profits can be reinvested or paid out to the company’s shareholders as “dividends."

Types of Stock Market Analysis

Most stock market analysis falls into three broad groups: Fundamental, technical, and sentimental. Here’s a look at each.

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What Can a Million Dollars Buy You?

$1 million in a diversified portfolio could help finance part of your retirement.

It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times

All about how missing the best market days (or the worst!) might affect your portfolio.

Behavioral Finance

An amusing and whimsical look at behavioral finance best practices for investors.

16 Wall Street Cliches in 60 Seconds

Pundits say a lot of things about the markets. Let's see if you can keep up.

Global and International Funds

Investors seeking world investments can choose between global and international funds. What's the difference?

Should I Invest in Gold?

Learning more about gold and its history may help you decide whether it has a place in your portfolio.

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